
 PELANTIKAN RAYA ORMAWA FTK 2025 Surabaya, February 14, 2025- The inauguration of the Student Organization of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya or often known as Ormawa was successfully held at the Auditorium Building of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. This event was attended by all students of the faculty who are members of various organizations, including the Student Executive Body (DEMA), the Student Senate (SEMA), student associations, and student activity units.   The dean of faculty,  Prof. Dr. Achmad Muhibin Zuhri, M.Ag also attended along with the heads of each department and also the heads of each study program within the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training. This event was held at 8 AM, with the Ormawa Inauguration Committee opening the gates and welcoming participants,who entered in an orderly line and were required to sign the attendance list. After entering the Inauguration area, Ormawa Participants were invited to sit acc...


English Language Education Study Program Student Conference (MUSMAPRO PBI): Towards the Management of the Student Association (HIMA) for the 2025/2026 Period The English Language Education Study Program Student Association (HIMA PBI) successfully held the Student Conference (MUSMAPRO) as an annual routine agenda to discuss accountability reports, prepare work programs, and elect new management of the Student Association (HIMA). This event was held with a sense of democracy and togetherness, marking a new beginning for the 2025/2026 HIMA leadership period. The MUSMAPRO event took place on the 4th floor of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FTK), Sunan Ampel State Islamic University, Surabaya. It was attended by active English Education students, supervising lecturers, and representatives of other student organizations. The series of activities began with an official opening by Farid Ubaidilah as the vice chairman of the student association who emphasized the importance of org...

Evaluation and Farewell 2024

Evaluation and Farewell EF, which stands for Evaluation and Farewell, serves as a closing event for members of the English Language  Education Department Student Association (HMP PBI). True to its name, the activity encompasses two main purposes which are for reflecting on the accomplishments with experiences of the past period and marking the farewell to the outgoing members. Beyond its formal objectives, this event has a deeper significance that aims to reinforce the sense of unity and kinship among members, highlighting that their connection extends far beyond professional collaboration or mere collegial relationships. It symbolizes the creation of a supportive and lasting community. This event transcends the boundaries of a mere formal gathering, transforming into a heartfelt farewell celebration filled with warmth, friendliness, and spirit of togetherness. It serves as a space, not only for evaluating personal and collective achievements, but also for embracing the deeper mean...

Forma Batch 2 2024

Students Forum Batch 2: "Channeling Ideas in an Effort to Improve Evaluation of Facilities, Infrastructure, and Student Learning Services" The Students Forum with the theme "Channeling Ideas in an Effort to Improve Evaluation of Facilities, Infrastructure, and Student Learning Services" was successfully held by HIMAPRODI PBI on Friday, December 06, 2024. The event was opened with remarks by the chief of event, Aisyah Romadhona Amini at 9 AM in the Mal Publication and IT Building of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. The event was attended by invited guests; Secretary of the Language Education Department (Afida Safriani, MA, PhD), Head of the English Language Education Department (Rakhmawati, M.Pd), Secretary of the English Language Education Department (Fahmy Imaniar, M.Pd), and the representative of study program lecturers (M. Hanafi, M. Ag and Siti Asmiyah, S.Pd, M. TESOL). Regarding this event, English Language Education Department students from each batch had sent delega...

EAGER 2024: Your English Adventure Begins Here

           EAGER, an abbreviation for English Academician Gathering, is the flagship program of the English Language Education Department’s Student Association (HIMA PRODI PBI) UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. This annual event is specially designed to warmly welcome new ELED students, as well as being a place of familiarity for the entire class. This event will be held for three days, precisely from 15 to 17 November 2024.        Different from study orientation activities or aspects in general, EAGER 2024 comes with a more fun and exciting concept. This event is not just a series of formal events, but rather a welcoming party full of intimacy and a spirit of togetherness. Through various exciting and interesting activities, new students will be invited to get to know the world of college more closely, especially in the English Language Education Department.      One of the main attractions of EAGER 2024 is the presence of inspi...

Sertifikat Guru Pendamping JEC 2024

 Dibawah ini merupakan sertifikat guru pendamping JEC 2024. Download Sertifikat Guru Pendamping JEC 2024:


     Java English Competition (JEC) 2024 returned with enthusiasm, bringing together students from all over Java to show off their skills in English. The event was opened with a traditional dance performance from students of the English Education study programme and was also attended by officials from the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Keguruan UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Held in the prestigious Auditorium of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya on Saturday, 26 October 2024, this year's event carried a significant theme: ‘Bhinneka Tunggal Ika: Preserving Indonesia's Multicultural Heritage through English.’ This theme not only underscores Indonesia's rich culture, but also emphasises the importance of English as a tool to bridge diverse communities and spread awareness of Indonesia's multicultural heritage.      This year's competition saw an exciting development, with the JEC introducing five different categories, each designed to test different aspects of the participants' mas...