
Hari Pancasila : Strengthening Unity and Social Justice

          Hari Lahir Pancasila, Every June 1st, Indonesia commemorates the foundation of our state ideology, Pancasila. This date has been designated as Pancasila Day and National Holiday by Presidential Decree No.24 of 2016. June 1st marks the day in 1945 when the concept of Pancasila was first introduced by Indonesia's founding father, Sukarno, during a meeting of the Investigating Committee for Preparatory Work for Independence (BPUPKI).       Pancasila, which means "five principles" in Sanskrit, consists of five fundamental principles that serve as the philosophical foundation of the Indonesian state:  1. Belief in one supreme God 2. Justice and civilized humanity 3. The unity of Indonesia 4. Democracy guided by the inner wisdom of deliberations among representatives 5. Social justice for all Indonesians      We must implement these five values in our daily lives. Pancasila Day is a day to reminds us to continue implementing these values.      This commemoration serve

Digital Frontline: Exploring the Opportunities and Challenges in Gen Z Thechnology

         On Saturday, May 4, 2024, the IT International Seminar was held. Precisely organized by IT Division and Public Relation of HIMAPRODI PBI UINSA. Inviting Awesome speakers A. Ghozi Mubarok and Adam Bachmeyer. A. Ghozi Mubarok is person behind TikTokers Influencer while Adam Bachmeyar is the Head of Design – Ciputra International School .      The event began with re-registration to get consumption provided by the HIMAPRODI PBI committee. The opening of the event consisted of dance performances and opening by the MC. The first speech was from the chief of organizer of the event, Imroatul Asheila Almasih. Then continued by Wahyu Puspita Sari as the chief of HIMAPRODI PBI UINSA. Furthermore,  there was a speech given from Ma’am Rakhmawati, M.Pd, as  the head of the English Languange Education Department      This event runs in an orderly and relaxed manner. The next event began with the first speaker, A. Ghozi Mubarok, a TikTok Influencer, who provided motivation, tips and tricks,

About JEC 2024

  Java English Competition (JEC) merupakan acara tahunan yang diselenggarakan oleh Himpunan Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (HMP PBI) UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Acara ini berisi beberapa perlombaan yang diikuti oleh siswa/i SMP/MTs/Sederajat, SMA/MA/Sederajat se-Jawa dan mahasiswa dengan tema "Unity in Diversity: Enduring Indonesian Multicultural Legacy through English" . Adapun perlombaan tersebut adalah: English Olympiad (Untuk siswa tingkat SMP dan SMA/Sederajat se-Jawa) Story Telling (Untuk siswa tingkat SMP/Sederajat se-Jawa) Speech Contest (Untuk siswa tingkat SMP dan SMA/Sederajat se-Jawa) Poster Design (Untuk siswa tingkat SMA/Sederajat se-Jawa) Essay Competition (Untuk mahasiswa se-Jawa) JADWAL KEGIATAN English Olympiad   Babak Penyisihan : Minggu, 06 Oktober 2024 Final : Sabtu, 19 Oktober 2024 Story-telling Pengumuman Penyisihan     : Selasa, 03 Oktober 2024 Final      : Sabtu, 19 Oktober 2024 Speech Contest Pengumuman Penyisihan

Marketing for Small Bussiness: "How to grow your bussiness with effective marketing"

     On April 20th, 2024, the ENTREPRENEURSHIP WORKSHOP seminar was held. Precisely organized by Entrepreneurship Division of HIMAPRODI PBI UINSA. Inviting awesome speakers Aliyah Nabila and Yose Rahayu. Aliyah Nabila is person behind JEJAKALAM.ECOPRINT while Yose Rahayu is the founder of Yoseramakeup. The audience was amazed by the achievements of the presenters at the event.which centered around the theme, “Marketing for Small Bussiness: How to grow your bussiness with effective marketing.”      The event begins by re-registering to get consumption provided by the PBI HIMAPRODI committee. The event took place orderly and smoothly. The event was welcomed by Ma'am Fahmy Imaniar, M.Pd and it opened with a prayer led by Moh. Faizin, M.Pd.I. then continued  with several welcoming words from the chief organizer of the event, Fadly Ilhamy. Then they continued by singing the song Indonesia Raya together as a sign of love for their homeland as citizens.      This event ran in an orderly a


  Java English Competition (JEC) 2024 is one of the events held by HIMA Prodi PBI UINSA. The event has been conducted every year and the purposes are always the same, which is known to the major of Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (PBI) UINSA to the public. Besides that, the purpose of the event is to bridge the participants to develop their talents, especially in using English. Using English in the context of writing, speaking, listening, and reading. It’s also helpful for the school to let the students develop their english skill in this competition event, so they may make their school proud and more known in public. Not only that, another profit that the student’s may have is that  there’s going to be millions of rupiah as the price. The JEC 2024 semi-final and final is going to be held on Saturday, 19 October 2024 at Auditorium UINSA with the theme “Unity in Diversity: Enduring the Indonesian Legacy through English”. There's going to be several pieces of new things that we got from th

The 19th Anniversary of English Language Education Department: Welcoming the Anniversary of English Language Education Department in Ramadhan

          On Monday, March 18, 2024 was a very special day for the English Education Study Program (PBI), Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher (FTK) UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. Because on that day, PBI Study Program commemorated its 19th anniversary. Therefore, one of the division programs of HIMAPRODI PBI UINSA, namely Public Relations, held an event namely Takjil on the Road, Tabligh Akbar, and Dies Natalis which was held at the Assalafiyah Orphanage. This event was not only intended to commemorate the anniversary of PBI, but we also breaking the fast together with orphanage children, Community of English Department Alumny (CEDA) UINSA and PBI lecturers. In addition, this event also held competition activities that must be followed by English Language Education Department (ELED) students in the form of poetry writing and vlog (30s).    This event involved 62 members from HIMAPRODI by delegating several people from each division, including 6 people from the Daily Executive Board (BPH), 3 peo

Exploring Teenager's Talent Through Research Program: "If you want to know the world, then read. And if you want to be known by the world, then write"

     Research on Vacation or better known as ROV has been completed in Jawa Pos. ROV itself is one of the programs of the Research Division of HIMAPRODI PBI UINSA. This program has a specific aim to deepen students' experience and knowledge in the field of writing and printing and it is only implemented once a year. This year this program has been successfully implemented, chaired by Dhian Fatima and Fadia Salsabila Eka Salma.      On March 6 2024, the ROV was held by Research division and attended by 31 participants consisting of 9 members from the Research division and 22 members from the Langdev, Skill & talent, IT, Public Relations, Entrepreneurship and BPH divisions. At 8 am, this program starts with a gathering at a predetermined place to carry out attendance and distribution of snacks before finally leaving together for Jawa Pos.      Exactly at 10 am, we were warmly welcomed by Mrs. Fa'al as a representative from Jawa Pos. Then it continued with the main activities