Virtual Exploring Visitation x Research On Vacation

Hallo fellas Did you know that our department held two extraordinary events? In this year, Visitation and Research on Vacation did collaboration again on March 27, 2021, through Zoom Meeting based on schedule that has given. The Virtual Exploring Vis it ation was conducted by the P ublic R elation D ivision while The Research on Vacation was conducted by Re search D ivision of the Students Association of English Language Education Department. The Virtual Exploring Visitation b rought the theme " Establishing Bound Relations and Exchanging Creative Ideas Through Interactive Online Discussion " which h ave p urposes to s trengthen the relationship among all members of the Students Association of Englsih Language Department and all members of Gemasi, Padjajaran State University, to promote the unity and unity of our fellow students, and to create the exchage of informations. Meanwhile , The Research on Vacation b rought the theme " Collaborative Jo...