Writing Competition "Essay & Short Story"

We just held Writing Competition "Essay & Short Story" for students of UINSA. Congratulations!! to the winner of Writing Competition "Essay & Short Story". Here are the list name of the winner, faculty and the title of the essay/short story : Essay 1. Rahayuningsih - FTK/PBI - "The Fade of Teacher's Authority" 2. Fauzan Atsari - FAH/SI - "Education Development in Indonesia" 3. Ilvi Fhmil Ilmiyah - FTK/PBI - "Education Reform in Indonesia Underscores The Central Role of Accountability" Short Story 1. Faby Toriqirrama - FSH/HK - "From Pesantren to Oxford Union" 2. Maulidah Furqoby - FTK/PBI - "The Contrastive of Education between Java and East Province" 3. Luluk Fatikah Sari - FTK/PBI - "The Violence of Silent" We'll see you on the next event guys! ^^ Here the documentation of the event :