The 79th Indonesia’s Independence Day

A few days ago, Indonesia passed a proud day, namely the 79th Independence Day on Saturday (17/08/2024). Independence is a day where we as citizens celebrate the success of the struggle of the heroes who freed the country from colonialism. The celebrations held after independence are certainly varied, holding competitions, making various kinds of works, flying the red and white flag, etc. This will certainly establish social norms and build tolerance between fellow human beings.

The Indonesian government certainly also has its own way of celebrating Independence Day, one of which is by releasing a number logo long before the day. Every year the logo of Indonesia's independence age always changes with a unique design and various meanings. 

Themed "Nusantara Baru, Indonesia Maju” here is the meaning of the design of the 79th Indonesian Independence Day logo:

  1. Archipelago State

The number 79 is formed from several parts which are a single unit and related, depicting Indonesia as an archipelagic country.

  1. State Symbol

The tip of the number 7 resembles the beak of Garuda, the national symbol which contains one of the pillars of the nation, namely Pancasila, and symbolizes the strength of the state.

  1. Economy Growth

The number 7 which resembles an arrow pointing to the upper right is a symbol of Indonesia's hope to increase investment and exports to fulfill Indonesia's mission in driving the economy.

  1. Sustainability

The direction of the curves from all directions are connected to each other, symbolizing the principle of sustainable national development.

  1. Green Economy

The branch and leaf shape of the number 9 represents the principle of national development based on a green economy, in synergy with nature and always paying attention to cultural roots and identity.

  1. Unity and Hope

The legs of the numbers 7 and 9 are made of the same shape, forming 2 hands that are united as a symbol of the unity of the Indonesian people even though they have different opinions.

  1. Equality

The two waves in the same direction above and below represent Indonesia's goal of decentralization and equitable development in order to achieve equality.

Writing Web - Research Division, HIMAPRODI PBI UINSA 2024
Author: Epun

Editor: IT Division/Rm & Hgy



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