Visitation 2023: A Means to Innovate and Establish Relations between HIMAPRODI PBI UINSA and HIMASI UNTAG

    The activity was then followed by a prayer, led by Oky Agus Sarvita, a member of HIMAPRODI PBI UINSA. Following the prayer, the activity was continued with presentations of divisions and work programmes of both student associations. The first presentation was conducted by HIMAPRODI PBI UINSA with its divisions, such as Main Coordinator, Public Relations, Information and Technology, Language Development, Research, and Skill and Talent Division. The presentation session was then continued by HIMASI UNTAG with its 4 divisions, namely Communication and Information, Community Service, Education and Culture, and Self Development Division. Following the presentation, there was a Q&A session where members of both student associations ask and answer some "curious" questions from members of both student associations.

    After the Q&A session was done, there was a "gift-giving" session from both student associations, where the representatives of both student associations exchanged keepsake gifts. The activity was then continued by a discussion and sharing session of both HIMAPRODI PBI UINSA and HIMASI UNTAG. During this session, each division of both student associations met with relevant counterparts of their divisions. Then, the members of each division got engaged in a deeper discussion and thought exchange about each of their divisions and work programmes. This discussion session was then followed by a closing remark and a prayer led by the MC. After that, the members of HIMAPRODI PBI UINSA were guided by the members of HIMASI UNTAG to have a tour guide of the campus. Subsequently, the activity ended with a documentation session, where members of both student associations took some photographs and bid farewell.

    As with any other event or activity, the Visitation programme was not run without any challenges and obstacles. Windi Nur Khafifah, the chief committee of Visitation, stated during an interview that there were some challenges during the course of the activity. "I think the most significant challenge was the process of choosing which student association of another university we are going to visit, as it is required to find a student association that is relevant and has quite the same work programmes," she said. She also added that there were obstacles during the day of the activity, "There were some small miscommunications between the committee from both parts, so the event had to be done late, and there was some agenda sequence in the rundown that was not as it should be." However, the overall activity was successfully held and both HIMAPRODI PBI UINSA and HIMASI UNTAG cooperated well to succeed the activity.

    From this activity, there are surely hopes that are expected to be accomplished by HIMAPRODI PBI UINSA. "It is hoped that members of HIMAPRODI PBI UINSA could get new insight and knowledge from our thought exchange and discussion with HIMASI UNTAG and apply those to their divisions and work programme." said the chief committee. Moreover, it is hoped that this activity will be one of the means to establish and improve relations with HIMASI UNTAG so that both student associations could have a better partnership in the future.

Writing Web - Research Division, HIMAPRODI PBI UINSA 2023
Author: Ya
Editor: IT Division/Ya & Fah


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