Enhancing Student’s English Competency through Java English Competition 2023

    Java English Competition is an event where the participants, junior high school students; high school students; and college students, prove their competence in English through various competitions, such as English Olympiad; Speech Contest; Story Telling; and Essay Competition. With the theme “Instilling Youth’s Competence and Creativity towards Indonesia’s Golden Generation 2045” the final of the competition was held on Saturday, 14 October 2023 in the Auditorium of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya. The competition was opened by a ribbon cutting session which was done by the executives of Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training and English Language Education Department, Prof. Dr. Hj. Husniyatus Salamah Zainiyati, M.Ag. (The Vice Dean of Academic and Institutional Affairs of Teacher Training Faculty); Moh. Faizin, M.Pd.I (The Chief of Language Department); and Rakhmawati, M.Pd (The Chief of English Language Education Department), as the symbol of the official opening of the competition.

    Furthermore, the event continued with each participant of the semi-final from each competition beginning to enter the room to take part in the competition. Each competition has different mechanisms and rules. The english olympiad is an exam where the participants need to be done online by their own device and only participated by the junior high-school and the senior high-school students. The speech contest is where the participants need to prepare their own text, do the speech without reading the text and it is participated only by the senior high-school students. The story telling competition is where the participants tell a story alone creatively and it is participated only by the junior high-school students. The essay competition is where the participant is tasked to write their own essay by a determined theme and it is only participated by the college students. 

    Afterwards, the committee of the event announces all  of the participants that step into the final session. The event continued with all of the final participants doing the competition. And finally the winner of each competition, English Olympiad; Speech Contest; Story Telling; and Essay Competition, has already been announced. The judgment of the participants' works is done by judges who are trusted and the results cannot be questioned. 


English Olympiad - Junior High-school (SMP/MTS)
1st : Laquinna Naiandra Anadinta - MTSN 1 Kota Malang
2nd : Quinsha Justitia Ramadhani - SMP Sekolah Alam Insan Mulia
3rd : Kinara Naysila Fairaz Abdillah - SMP Semesta 2 Semarang
4th : Aura Janetta Putri Murdoko - SMP Semesta 2 Semarang
5th : Faiqa Nala Adhiarja - SMP Diponegoro 1 Jakarta
6th : Sean Marshall - Happy Family School

English Olympiad - Senior High-School (SMA/MA)
1st : Colleen Zefanya Crystabelle - SMAK St. Louis 1 Surabaya
2nd : Andyni Raina Revathallah - SMAN 21 Surabaya
3rd : Muhammad Zaki Syahputra - SMA Al-Muslim
4th : Alia Pramesti Olifia Rahman - SMA Al Falah Ketintang Surabaya
5th : Mirza Pandu Satria Maul - SMAN 1 Jember
6th : Danial Satria Putra Darmawan - MAN 2 Kota Malang

Speech Contest - Senior High-School (SMA/MA)
1st : Majida Salma Wiryaputri - MAN 2 Kota Malang
2nd : Nur Itsna Fitriani Maghfiroh - SMA Negeri 1 Bojonegoro
3rd : Ilham Ramadhan Al Ghifari - Ponpes Matlabus Salik (Al-Matlab)
4th : Nurul Azzahra - MA Raudlatul Ulum
5th : Fennie Natalie Solaiman - SMAK St. Louis 1 Surabaya
6th : Nahdia Sabila Haq - MAS Raudlatul Ulum

Story Telling - Junior High School (SMP/MTS)
1st : Rizka Noor Rahmah - SMP Muhammadiyah 2 Taman Sidoarjo
2nd : Agatha Joy Bellatrix - SMP Santo Yosef
3rd : Nayla Rachmatul Azza - SMPS Sabilillah Sampang
4th : Nadini Aulia Luqyana - SMPS Sabilillah Sampang
5th : Avrilia Diva Candini - MTSN Gresik
6th : Miranda Debora Setiawan - SMP Kebon Dalem Semarang

Essay Competition - College Student (Mahasiswa/i)
1st : Kurniawan Agus Fiqih Budiman - UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim
2nd : Tria Rahayu Ramadhani - UIN Satu Tulungagung
3rd : Nanda Dwi Irawan - UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

    In the end the purpose of the competition was to enhance the student’s english competency. Considering that english is an international language, the current generation needs to develop their English skill through a competition such as Java English Competition. This event was held by the Student Association of English Language Education Department and supported by other instances. Thanks to them the event was run successfully till the end.

Writing Web - Research Division, HIMAPRODI PBI UINSA 2023
Author: Fan
Editor: IT Division/Ya & Fah


  1. Such a blessing to win at one of this event's competition branches! May I will be able to participate again next year, see you!


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