JEC 2019

JEC 2019

          JEC is the greatest event held by the English Language Education Department of UINSA. JEC as Java English Competition was held on the 21st of September 2019 in Auditorium UINSA brings the different. This year JEC becomes Java English Competition which all participants were from all around Java and Madura. Brings the main theme “Facing Industrial Revolution 4.0: Millennial as the Generation of Change” with the purpose to prepare and provide the change of industry 4.0 as a generation of change.

          This year JEC followed by more than 1200 participants around Java and Madura. JEC has four competitions they are English Olympiad, storytelling, speech contest, essay contest, and bazar. English Olympiad that contested in JEC is for Junior and Senior high school students around Java. Storytelling is for junior high school students, speech contest is for senior high school students and essay competition is for college students from around Java and Madura. Bazar is contested only for the freshman of tarbiyah faculty.
         This event enlivened by angklung performance by UINSA students and continued with greetings from Dr. H. SaifulJazil, M.Ag as a Dean III tarbiyah faculty of Islamic University of SunanAmpel Surabaya and opening Java English Competition 2019. From more than 1200 participants, only 27 participants who won Java English Competition 2019 and each competition have six winners, except the essay competition which only took three winners. The winners will get the tutoring scholarships from Primagama learning institutions and also fresh money.

          Here are the winners of Java English Competition 2019: 1st winner of English Olympiad for Junior High School Students KayanaAyunda from MTsN 1 Malang, the 2nd winner Kelly Eugenia Agustin from SMP Mawar Sharon, the 3rd winner is Nur Yasin from MTsN 5 nganjuk, followed by the 4th winner Alisha Fathia from SMP Islam As-Sakinah, the 5th winner is Adenia Puspawati from SMPN 2 Jember, and the 6th winner is Nadya Ulya from SMPN 1 Lamongan. The winners of English Olympiad for Senior High School students: 1st winner is Marco Ludwig from SMA Kristen Kalam Kudus, 2nd winner is Bradley Xavier from SMAK Santo Paulus, 3rd winner is Doni Ahmad Ramadhani from MBI Amanatul Ummah Pacet, the next is 4th winner Ericka Mega from SMAN 2 Ponorogo, 5th winner is M. Umar Subhki from MA Unggulan Amanatul Ummah Pacet, and the 6th winner is Ratu Bernesa from SMA Salsabillah Sampang. The winners of story telling competition: 1st winner is Cameliya Ayu from SMP Santo Yosef, 2nd winner is Bradie Naraditya from SMP Progresif Bumi Sholawat, 3rd winner is Mauludin Rohmat Hidayatullah from SMPIT Al-Anwar Mojosari, and followed by 4th winner is Nathania Jaquelin from SMP Santo Yosef, 5th winner M. Haikal Fikri from MTsN 1 Sidoarjo, 6th winner is Mutiara Manik from MTsN 1 Sidoarjo. The winners of speech contest for senior high school students: 1st winner is Jonathan Driven form SMAN 1 Gresik, 2nd winner is Rizkiyah Alifatul Fauziyah from Man 2 Gresik, 3rd winner is Narendra Nizam from SMAN 1 Sidoarjo, the next is 4th winner Arina Fitrie from MBI Amanatul Ummah Pacet, 5th winner is Nurul Mukaromah from MAN 2 Ponorogo, and the 6th winner is Marcella Tri Jalianti from SMKN 1 Surabaya. The winners of essay competition are Mauliya Avvi from Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo as the 1st winner, Arnita from UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya as the 2nd winner and Putri Yunita from UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya as the 3rd winner.

          Hopefully this event can provide benefits and give more knowledge for millennials as the generation of change and to all who involved.


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